
FL - based

Graphic Designer


My name is Maria Jose, but I go by Majo or MJ.

I’m a Colombian graphic designer, illustrator, and aspiring creative director located in South Florida. My personal style is defined by bold marks, muted colors, earthy textures, and clean layouts.

Even though my focus at the moment lies in brand design and growing my knowledge in UX/UI, I’m constantly trying to refine my skills and push myself creatively through different projects. I think there’s a lot of power in versatility and that’s what I always aim to have in my work.


A little bit more about me:

  • I’ve been very close to art my whole life; therefore, I always look for creative outlets to feel in tune with myself. From painting and drawing to dancing and singing.

  • I’m extremely curious, I ask a lot of questions, and I love long conversations over a nice cup of coffee or beer, depending on the mood.

  • I’ve lived in multiple cities, which I think has given me lots of nurturing experiences and has helped me build an open perspective about the world. I love meeting new people and understanding different aspects of them. I draw much inspiration from new findings and emotions of my surroundings.

  • My goal as a designer is to create timeless designs that allow people and businesses to grow and feel fresh and authentic.In order to do that I believe the time to get to know each other is important so…